Uzo Iwobi

Uzo Iwobi

Protest location

BLM Swansea


Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a movement, a resounding call to action, an opportunity for us to stand together with people of all nationalities. I believe that racism is a pandemic that humanity needs to address urgently. BLM gives everybody a platform to take proactive action, to challenge racism in all its forms. BLM, for me as a Black woman, is an imperative, and it is fair to say that activism through this movement has resulted in a seismic shift in our nations understanding of how Black people feel about the racism they suffer.

My house windows were smashed by racist young people. Our former neighbour scratched the N word on the bonnet of the white car that she sold us. She said,” ‘F’ off to the country you come from”. I recall her shouting that we had grown too big for our boots, that we’ve come from our countries to steal their jobs, steal their money. Even at the age of seven, three white children attacked my son saying they didn’t want him in their school because he is Black – was born in Swansea. My daughter had a classmate spitting into her pen, putting the stub on, and telling her to write her A stars in music with their spit in her pen.

As an activist I went to the Senedd Parliament, to a closed evidence hearing session, and spoke extensively about the need to embed Black history in the school curriculum as mandatory by law.

Your attitude will be different if you had to send your children to school to get an education, and they come home with one finger missing, pushed into the river – dead, or dead from a police encounter.
I set up the BLM Wales Policy Forum, which is made up of all the BLM leaders who wished to join the group. The Antiracism Wales Action Plan provides a strong lever for challenging racism. First Minister says Wales must be antiracist by 2030.

Dare to be bold, Dare to challenge, Dare to RISE UP and be counted. Yes! dare to speak up and speak out against racial injustice and other injustices in our society, Dare to call for the correction of historic injustices.
No Justice No Peace.

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