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About Codi Cymru

In summer 2020, the whole world came to a standstill because a Black man, George Floyd, was killed by Derek Chauvin a police officer who knelt on his neck before a watching world for 9 minutes and 27 seconds and unlawfully took his life. This shocking killing triggered worldwide outrage, anger, shock, emotive protests that broke out around the globe.

Here in Wales, over 35 protests and marches were organised by Black, Brown, White people from right across Wales. As more incidences continued to happen, Race Council Cymru(RCC) brought together as many leaders of the protests as wanted to work together to form the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Wales Policy Forum to create a manifesto setting out their key demands for Welsh Government, Public, Private and Third Sector bodies in Wales.

Over the past few months and years, we have seen the rise of racism and racist incidents. The suspicious deaths and unfair imprisonments of Black people in our own communities in Wales led to anger and fears that racism was at play. Families have been torn apart, individuals killed, lives lost, tensions and mistrust built up between Black communities and the police. Young people took to the streets like never before demanding accountability, calling for change.

Minister Dawn Bowden, Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism funded the collection of the stories of activists who led the protests across Wales. This exhibition captures as many as were willing to share their stories of courage and activism for future generations. BLM is a movement of people who stand together, united in purpose to resist the insidious, negative, adverse impact of racism on Black lives.

The BLM leader’s stories included in this exhibition are not exhaustive, we reached out to leaders across Wales and documented the stories of those willing to share their stories. There will be no justice, no peace, as long as individuals continue to suffer the crushing impact on their mental health resulting from endemic, systemic, structural and personalised racism. We have to build a Wales that is inclusive, that treats people with dignity and respect. We stand together
to eradicate, to resist, to shout out and campaign for racial equity, justice and fairness. These are some of the stories of people from Wales who stood up when it mattered. They are Black, Asian, White, mixed heritage, Middle Eastern people.

They said NO to racism, so can you. This is Codi Cymru. Rise Wales. No Justice, No Peace.

Professor Uzo Iwobi CBE
Founder of Black Lives Matter (BLM) Wales Policy
Forum (Made up of BLM Protest Leaders
from Wales)

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